What are the advantages of eliquid vape over traditional cigarettes
Smoking will leave a heavy smell on the hands and body, especially the breath will be unpleasant. What's more, people who don’t smoke will be very sensitive to this smell. After smoking in the smoking area, the smell on the body will be the same. It will make people in the office disgusted. The smell of e-cigarettes is pretty good, and it is not easy to remain in the hands. Once they smoked e-cigarettes next to two female colleagues, they found it acceptable.
Unlike cigarettes, cigars or chimneys, e-cigarettes do not burn with an open flame, and will not cause huge fire hazards if discarded randomly like cigarette butts. The heating ring of the eliquid vape is also sealed, which means that the heat generated by the eliquid vape is difficult to spread to the outside. The smoke of e-cigarettes contains far fewer chemicals than cigarettes. People who use e-cigarettes will not have the strong tone of cigarette tar, and they don’t have to consider the smoke stains on their teeth. The smoke stains on their teeth are very scary. Phenomenon.